I am a packaging designer. I work with ambitious food and beverage brands to reveal their true essence and create packaging that not only catches the eye, but also drives sales. By blending creativity, strategy, and market insights, I ensure that your packaging stands out on the shelf and creates an unforgettable brand experience. Join me in elevating your product from ordinary to extraordinary, captivating customers and driving your business forward.
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My methodology to reveal the essence of your brand
STEP I Exploratory phase. At the beginning, I have to understand exactly what the customer needs and what goals will be achieved: what packaging style and many other parameters and solutions will be the most suitable. Then we schedule a meeting on the Zoom platform or I send you a form for a creative task, which you fill out and answer the questions I have. When I have all the information, I analyze and systematize it, study analogous examples. After that, a 10-day period is usually reserved for development.
STEP II The creative process. The more detailed the research stage, the easier it is to move on to creativity and the search for ideas. At this stage, I create several variations of the packaging to represent different ideas. I present these options on mockups so that it is easier to imagine the final option.
STEP III The final stage begins when you choose one of the options offered to you. Then we focus on the chosen option and it is “polished” to a result that satisfies both me and you. All the necessary files are prepared and organised for ease of use.
You are welcome to request adjustments or modifications to the design layout as needed. Once you are satisfied with the finalized design, I will prepare the necessary printer-ready file formats, including AI, EPS, and PDF. You can then download these final files and provide them to your printer for production.